9月21日,ABC Vancouver 宣布,该团队已经敲响了第 50,000 户门,同时,已经向温哥华选民打了超过 100,000 通电话。
据ABC 委员会候选人董丽莎(Lisa Dominato)介绍,几个月来,该团队的候选人和志愿者每天都有安排进行敲门活动和拨打电话。
除了敲开 50,000 户门外,ABC 本周早些时候还跨越了向选民拨打 100,000 通电话的门槛。
“我们为我们的团队在与居民联系时得到的回应感到自豪,”董丽莎继续说道, “我们全市的选民希望温哥华可以带来改变——他们准备好看到市政厅的领导权回归,他们准备看到在社区安全、住房、可负担性和优质服务方面采取有意义的行动,让这座城市变得更加宜居。我们也一直在听到对引入道路税计划的担忧。”
董丽莎表示,ABC Vancouver 没有放慢运营速度的计划。
“虽然我们对我们已经取得的进展感到兴奋,但这仅仅是个开始,”董丽莎总结说。 “随着选举日的临近,我们将加大敲门力度,目标是与温哥华市的每一个家庭建立联系。”
ABC Vancouver 是温哥华市政选举中唯一在市议会、公园局和教育局寻求赢得多数席位的政党。
ABC Vancouver 为 10 月 15 日的市政选举提名了 19 名候选人:
市长候选人:沈关键 (Ken Sim)
市议员候选人:周楠(Lenny Zhou)、裴智励(Peter Meiszner)、蒙瑞恩(Brian Montague)、麦嘉信(Mike Klassen) 容碧丽(Rebecca Bligh)(现任市议员)、董丽莎(Lisa Dominato)(现任市议员) 和 杨瑞兰(Sarah Kirby-Yung)(现任市议员)
公园局委员候选人:Brennan Bastyovanszky、Laura Christensen、Angela Haer、Marie-Claire Howard、Scott Jensen、Jas Virdi
ABC Vancouver hits two substantial campaign milestones
VANCOUVER — ABC Vancouver announced today that the campaign had knocked on its 50,000th door in addition to having already made over 100,000 phone calls to Vancouver voters. “ABC Vancouver is excited to announce that we have knocked on our 50,000th door,” said ABC Council candidate Lisa Dominato. “For months now, our team of candidates and supporters have been door-knocking and making phone calls every single day.” In addition to knocking on 50,000 doors, ABC also crossed the threshold of making 100,000 phone calls to voters earlier this week. We’re proud of the response our team has been getting while connecting with residents,” continued Dominato. “Voters across our city want to bring change to Vancouver — they’re ready to see a return of leadership to City Hall, and they’re ready to see meaningful action on community safety, housing, affordability and quality services that make the city more liveable. We have also been hearing concerns around the plans to bring in a road tax.” Dominato indicated that ABC Vancouver has no plans of slowing down their operation. “While we’re excited about how far we’ve come, this is only the beginning,” concluded Dominato. “As we get closer to election day, we will be ramping up our door-knocking with the goal of connecting with every single household in the City.” ABC Vancouver is the only party in the Vancouver municipal elections running to win majorities on Council, Park Board, and School Board. ABC Vancouver has nominated nineteen candidates for the October 15th municipal elections; Ken Sim for Mayor; Lenny Zhou, Peter Meiszner, Brian Montague, Mike Klassen, and incumbent City Councillors Rebecca Bligh, Lisa Dominato, and Sarah Kirby-Yung for Council; Brennan Bastyovanszky, Laura Christensen, Angela Haer, Marie-Claire Howard, Scott Jensen, and Jas Virdi for Park Board; Alfred Chien, Preeti Faridkot, Victoria Jung, Christopher Richardson, and Josh Zhang for School Board.