C-murder Death Around The Corner Book
A Cleveland detective (McFadden), on a downtown beat which he had been patrolling for many years, observed two strangers (petitioner and another man, Chilton) on a street corner. He saw them proceed alternately back and forth along an identical route, pausing to stare in the same store window, which they did for a total of about 24 times. Each completion of the route was followed by a conference between the two on a corner, at one of which they were joined by a third man (Katz) who left swiftly. Suspecting the two men of "casing a job, a stick-up," the officer followed them and saw them rejoin the third man a couple of blocks away in front of a store. The officer approached the three, identified himself as a policeman, and asked their names. The men "mumbled something," whereupon McFadden spun petitioner around, patted down his outside clothing, and found in his overcoat pocket, but was unable to remove, a pistol. The officer ordered the three into the store. He removed petitioner's overcoat, took out a revolver, and ordered the three to face the wall with their hands raised. He patted down the outer clothing of Chilton and Katz and seized a revolver from Chilton's outside overcoat pocket. He did not put his hands under the outer garments of Katz (since he discovered nothing in his pat-down which might have been a weapon), or under petitioner's or Chilton's outer garments until he felt the guns. The three were taken to the police station. Petitioner and Chilton were charged with carrying
C-murder Death Around The Corner Book
away from the two men. "I get more purpose to watch them when I seen their movements," he testified. He saw one of the men leave the other one and walk southwest on Huron Road, past some stores. The man paused for a moment and looked in a store window, then walked on a short distance, turned around and walked back toward the corner, pausing once again to look in the same store window. He rejoined his companion at the corner, and the two conferred briefly. Then the second man went through the same series of motions, strolling down Huron Road, looking in the same window, walking on a short distance, turning back, peering in the store window again, and returning to confer with the first man at the corner. The two men repeated this ritual alternately between five and six times apiece -- in all, roughly a dozen trips. At one point, while the two were standing together on the corner, a third man approached them and engaged them briefly in conversation. This man then left the two others and walked west on Euclid Avenue. Chilton and Terry resumed their measured pacing, peering, and conferring. After this had gone on for 10 to 12 minutes, the two men walked off together, heading west on Euclid Avenue, following the path taken earlier by the third man.
Chevie O'Brien Kehoe, a pot-smoking 25-year-old who looks like he could be the logger next door, grew up dreaming about playing a starring role in the white supremacist revolution he was sure was just around the corner.
Water-related deaths often are prematurely, and at times subconsciously, labeled asaccidental drownings. While this is often the case, the presumption that a bodyrecovered from within or near a body of water is an accidental drowning can hindertimely recognition of indicators of foul play and other important clues present inor around the death scene (3,4). This, in turn, mayultimately lead to false conclusions regarding cause and manner of death and adverseadjudication. Furthermore, failure to recognize certain scene attributes and bodilyfindings suggestive of homicide can hamper further investigation includinginterviews with witnesses and persons of interest or apprehension of suspects. Theinvestigation of deaths associated with natural bodies of water can be particularlychallenging due to the characteristics inherent in an environment that areconstantly changing such as in lakes, rivers, and oceans. It is also important torecognize that not all water-related deaths can be presumed to be drownings andother factors such as water and weather temperature extremes, drug intoxication, ornatural disease may be sufficient enough to be the cause of death and otherwisepreclude drowning.
Evaluation of the causative or contributory effects of drugs and medicationlevels requires interpretation within the context of the death circumstances anddecedent's history. The finding of certain drugs and medications can giveinsight into the decedent's medical history, psychiatric history, drug usehistory, degree of impairment around the time of death, and assist in thereconstruction of events leading to the death and is particularly relevant incases in which the decedent's history is unknown (84). The absence of certain medications inpersons with known medical history and a prescribed therapeutic regimen can bejust as revealing, such as in the case of the history of seizures withsubtherapeutic or negative results found on testing. Depending on the drug ormedication in question and its end-organ effects, the concentration may besufficient to preclude the drowning process with few or absent supportivefindings of drowning noted at autopsy. In multidrug intoxications, thecumulative or synergistic effects and any propensity to precipitate drowningmust be considered, such as sedation causing impairment to a degree thatprevents extrication from or leads to collapse with submersion into a wateryenvironment. Ethanol, with its physiological and psychological effects, is themost common drug found in drownings, particularly accidental cases (10, 85). While interpretation of the degree ofethanol impairment may be difficult in bodies submerged for prolonged periodsdue to the dilutional effect of water on bodily fluids and/or the confoundingeffects of postmortem ethanol production, analysis of urine for the presence ofethyl glucuronide has been found to be useful in the differentiation betweenantemortem ingestion and postmortem production of ethanol (86). Ethanol and certain medications areassociated with prolongation of the QT interval and when combined with extendedbreath holding during swimming, may trigger an incapacitating arrhythmia andprecipitate drowning (87).
We rate this post MISSING CONTEXT. As the post states, it is true that there is an area of around 50 square miles in the Idaho portion of Yellowstone National Park where a crime such as murder could theoretically escape conviction. But, no crime committed in the "zone of death" has ever been prosecuted and one case raising the legal issues highlighted by Kalt suggests any such trial would be held in Wyoming, notwithstanding the constitutional issues Kalt has explicated.
Michael met his wife Maeve while they were working in the Bronx. She worked in the trauma ward at Jacobi Hospital, just around the corner from Bennett's first posting. Since her death in 2007, Michael is still single, but is slowly beginning to date again. He fears heights.
It is believed that under the orders of Nash, Diles and a couple of others (one of whom may or may not have been Holmes), would break into the house at 8763 Wonderland with striated steel pipes in hand, and systematically proceed from room to room bashing in the skulls of the occupants. When it was all said and done, four people would be killed and another gravely injured. Neighbors reported hearing the commotion but rather than call the police, they just figured it was another raucous night of partying, so one neighbor just turned up the TV to drown out the noise.The Wrong Place at the Wrong TimeAs the prowlers entered the house, they would first kill Barbara Richardson, Lind's 22 year-old girlfriend sleeping in the downstairs living room. Her body would be discovered in front of a sofa, half covered with a pink and white bedspread. She was just visiting the Wonderland house and unfortunately was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. So sad. In the rear downstairs bedroom the killers would happen upon Ronald Launius and his wife Susan, whose moans would later grab the attention of the mover. She was beaten and terribly mutilated but still alive and breathing. The killers then crept upstairs where they beat Miller to death on her bed, her boyfriend Deverell would be found lying in a corner of the same room, dead from a massive skull injury.Police were so overwhelmed by the amount of blood at the crime scene that they decided to videotape it (remember that video cameras were relatively new at the time.) The video would eventually be used during the trial, marking the first time in American history that video was used as evidence in a criminal trial. The actual police footage with narration can be seen as an extra feature on the DVD release of Wonderland starring Val Kilmer.The Right Place at the Right Time
One of the Wonderland residents just happened to be in the right place at the right time. David Lind was apparently spending the night with a hooker in a sleazy motel in the San Fernando Valley where he'd dealt some drugs earlier that night. Who says prostitution doesn't pay? During a police interrogation, Lind would eventually spill the beans about the Nash break-in and its possible connection to the horrible murders. The police now had something to work with. One question that went unanswered however, was where Holmes was during all the commotion.Murder and Contempt of CourtIn later years, Holmes would reveal to his wife Sharon, that the revenge seekers forced him to accompany them and watch the murders. Though he claims to not having participated in the actual killings, a handprint was found on the headboard of a bed in one of the bedrooms. Soon after the murders however, Holmes would flee to Florida with his girlfriend (not his wife) and refuse to talk to police about that night. But working with the evidence of the handprint, the police would eventually charge Holmes with the murders and ask him to squeal on Nash. But Holmes didn't want to play that game. A jury acquitted Holmes of the murder charges on June 16, 1982. He refused to cooperate with authorities on the ongoing investigation however and would even spend a little time in the pokey for contempt of court.AIDSOn March 13, 1988 at a VA medical center, (specifically the Sepulveda Ambulatory Care and Nursing Home Care Unit), Holmes would succumb to the ravages of AIDS. He was but 43 years of age. In the few short weeks before his death, police were by his deathbed hoping to elicit a confession about the Wonderland case. Holmes would say nothing however.A "Well" Hung JuryShortly after the murders, police would search Nash's home and uncover more than a million dollars in cocaine for which he would spend 2 years in prison. But they still had nothing on him for the murders. In 1990, Nash would be charged in state court with having planned the murders. His bodyguard, Diles was charged with committing them. The trial would end with a hung jury, a single 18-year-old female juror holding out. A second trial was held in 1991 and it ended in an acquittal. Nash could not be tied to the Wonderland murders. Diles would die in 1995.A Plea DealIn 2000, Eddie Nash would be arrested again, this time with Superior Court charges of drug dealing, racketeering, tax evasion, and conspiring to commit the Wonderland murders. He was also accused of bribing the lone holdout juror in his previous case. Already suffering from poor health (jail doctors had diagnosed him with emphysema and tuberculosis), Nash would work out a plea deal in which he admitted to having bribed the juror in his previous case with $50,000, and would also plead guilty to the money laundering charges. But with regards to admitting to killing the inhabitants of the Wonderland house... he wouldn't confess. He would admit however, to having ordered his associates to retrieve his stolen property from the Wonderland house, which he said could have lead to violence, including murder. He would receive a 6-month prison sentence and fine of $250,000.A Final RequestJohn Holmes had one final request of his wife, Laurie Holmes, before he died. He was afraid that someone would want to detach and jar his famous penis for display, so he requested that she ensure his body was intact before being cremated. In his book, Porn King, Laurie wrote that everything was where it was supposed to be. Ironically, his famous appendage does live on for posterity in the form of a 12 and-a-half inch rubber dildo that can be bought in many sex shops and even on the Internet. 350c69d7ab